The Importance of The Right Door

The Importance of The Right Door

Are You Designing A Rustic Home?

by Sonia Castro

Have you decided to have your rustic house built especially to meet your specifications? Maybe you searched for a house with a rustic feeling that was already built, but you simply couldn't find the one you wanted to live in for many years. Have you already decided on what kind of rustic house you want? If so, perhaps you already have all of your plans made.

On the other hand, perhaps you are still looking for ideas. If that's the case, from selecting the material for the outer walls to choosing custom barn doors, here are some ideas that might help you.

The Material For The Outer Walls - What kind of a rustic house do you want? For example, are you looking to build a cabin-style house? Maybe you are wanting a ranch-style house. Maybe you want a Mediterranean- or a Mexican-style house. 

If you are designing a cabin-style home, wood or rock would both be good choices for the outer walls. Alternatively, you can go with a combination of wood and rock to add greater interest to the design. If you are wanting a ranch style house, rock or brick would both be appropriate choices for the outer wall materials. For a Mediterranean- or a Mexican-style house, think of selecting adobe for the outer walls. Or, use adobe with bricks or rocks together. 

The Custom Barn Doors - No matter which style of rustic house you want, custom barn doors will be a very good choice to be a part of the house design. There are many styles of custom barn doors and they come in a wide range of prices. Select one that will complement the materials you chose for the outer walls.

For example, if you decided on a ranch-style house, weathered dark wood would be great with the brick or rock you selected for the outer walls. If you went with a cabin-style rustic house, wood will still be a good choice. However, be sure to select a different color for the front door, or there won't be enough contrast in the design. If you want a Mexican-style or a Mediterranean-style house, a rustic barn door with black wrought iron hardware would be an excellent combination. 

Custom barn doors won't just be good for your entryway and for any other doors that lead to your house. Think of selecting a rustic design for your garage doors, too. 

For more information on rustic barn doors, contact a company like 2 V Custom Doors and Rustic Designs.


About Me

The Importance of The Right Door

When you really think about it, your front door is the first thing a person comes across when they come over to your house. It might seem silly, but that front door says a lot about you, including your personal style. While the right door will make your home feel like an upscale estate, the wrong one could make your place seem bland and boring. I have been installing doors for a long time, and you wouldn't believe how much of a difference a simply entryway upgrade can make. If you want to learn more about front doors, research my website.